Hi, I just tried again at my desktop (because I know a lot of faucets aren't mobile friendly, so I try and be fair). I was able to
attempt a claim (though it was still very laggy even on my desktop, and I'll post why I THINK it is in the second half of this post), but after I did the antibot things, waited for the timer to count down and clicked on 'get reward', I got this:
Could not open socket
I don't know what that means?
Maybe you do.
As for the reason why I think your site is laggy on my devices, here's a screenshot:
https://s31.postimg.org/6ykzarszf/glowlag.pngMost of your text has a glow effect to it; it really slows down the site, and when you have ads already taking up resources, it's not a good idea to have this also. You can make it pretty some other way. Just a suggestion to encourage more users, we don't go there to say "Wow, it looks great!" well most of us don't. We Faucet Junkies like quick loading pages.
Also, I saw that you had a faucet list, I'll check it out later, but the traffic you're going to get isn't for the list, but for the 'free' coins you're offering