I was hopeing you would not have said that, I have big problems in the UK with torrents, Virgin have pritty much blocked everything, We are in a policed state and can only view propaganda, It will take me 3 weeks to re-download the blockchain from scratch, And that keeps getting stuck on the way, It takes me 4-5 attempts to get it on any system.
Is there a way to commit the whole system in working the blockchain, My cpu is never more than 1% working on it, I have large sata 3 SSD's in raid 1+0 with 16GB ram, I wonder why It messed up in the first place?
Not sure what caused this or why you cant get inbound connections, but if you want to sync fast, feel free to hammer my server with requests.
Run bitcoin core from "run" (Win + R)
or take any of the servers below to sync a single node from your local network. Connect all other local nodes in the same fashion to the local IP of the node thats connected to the outside.
IP - location - owner[1] - speed - info/stats page[2] - testnet
eldinhadzic.org[4] - LA, USA - eldinhadz - 1000 mbit/s - no - no - Freinsheim, DE, EU - Newar - 1000 mbit/s - yes - no - Amsterdam, NL, EU - anon - 1000 mbit/s - /node.php[3] - yes - Germany, EU - shorena - 100 mbit/s - yes - no - New York, USA - Newar - 100 mbit/s - yes - no - Germany, EU - zvs - unknown - no - no - United Kingdom, EU - zvs - unknown - no - no - Dalls, USA - zvs - unknown - no - no - Japan, Asia - zvs - unknown - no - no - Russia, Asia - zvs - unknown - no - no
[1] refers to a bitcointalk.org username or anon if requested
[2] same IP, port 80 or path/port given
[3] work in progress
[4] IP is
If your car broke do you want to hear: Why are you using a car in the first place? Take a bike its better for the environment!
Its perfectly fine if you hate windows and do not want to support it, but other people may have other opinions on the matter.