in 2014 Mt-Gox was the outbreak of the winter cryptocurrencys. what do you think it will next weeks or month?
for me i think we are in an ICO BUBBLE and governments begins to regulate this anarchy. so the fall of a big ico(turned to be a scam) like tezos, eos, filecoin etc .. will be the outbreak of the comming cryptocurrencys winter.
brace your self
Just buy some Ark and forget all the scams.
ark is as scammy and ponzy pyramide sheme as an coin can be. Lets not forget the trash ark is trying to do wich makes zero sense. I would highly recomment staying out of ark and pivx. Ive been in their community since their ico and i can guarantee that the same people, if not the devs alone are manipulating their coin and dumping on every new customer.