This is predictive programming. It's probably foretelling a terrorist attack or something. The bankers have a history of doing this. Here's 9/11:
"Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan" foretells the sinking of the Titanic.
The rainbow is Illuminati symbolism. Along with the golden beam.
Notice that, when The Wizard of Oz changes from black and white to color, that's when
Money starts.
Dark Side of the RainbowIn case it's not clear, this is linked to the creation of the Federal Reserve and their planned New World Order of fiat currency.
The Wizard of Oz as a Monetary AllegoryThe rainbow has also
been linked specifically to false flag terror attacks. (The mural in the Denver Airport I think is especially significant.)
In fact, I'll just throw out a guess as to what I think some of this booklet means. The three drops of black "tears" represent the three oil states (Iraq, Iran, Libya) without Rothschild central banks that have to be sacrificed (plowed under, re-born into the light) so that the little people can have more flowers (consumer goods, Keynesian stimulus). Yet it's still not enough. People are never satisfied because the stimulus is temporary, like flowers. The solution to the dilemma is to try to give the little people access to more sunlight (solar energy), but this is a very difficult task for the little people.
Roota distributes the flowers that they do have to the oldest people first. This represents the bankrupt social welfare programs and the failed "trickle-down" economics paradigm.
"Colorland" is Colorado, the new mountain capital of the US that is currently being disarmed in preparation for the banksters' arrival once they release the final plague in order to kill off most of the population, as predicted in "The Stand". The little people who live below, in poverty, will try to reach Colorado, to experience some of the wonderful colorful lives of the big important banksters who live there. But the amount of illumination (renewable energy) that can reach the little people is limited, and the banksters are safely able to step on any of the little people who make it out of their hole and into "Colorland".
"Road to Roota" is probably Roto-Rooter, which has something to do with plumbing and perhaps refers to the source of the aforementioned bio-terror attack.
The title, "Wishes and Rainbows", probably means to "be careful what you wish for", because when you take out too many fiat money loans, then along with your "wishes" (stimulus, consumer spending) you will also get "rainbows" (false flag terror attacks and economic collapse).