Yes, this domain was purchased at a high price. Our company was started in 2017. We chose it because we thought it is a name easy to remember.
About featured clients, we added it when we were only a just started company. We have contacted some cooperator and asked them to write testimonials for us. We were about to change it when it is enough. And now we will change it as soon as possible.
We are not native speakers of English and now we will invest money into spellchecking.
Despite the questions above, we are a paying site definitely. We have made payments of more than 250. If we do not pay, we will send an e-mail and tell the reason.
Thank you
Still there's no denying you tried to deceive your clients. Whatever circumstances it may be, it is wrong to do that. You do realize that trust is the foundation of every business.
Errr... So you're trying to say, out of those 250+ clients, only 2 did a review?
Sorry but such statements right now aren't enough to redeem yourselves