:: A (almost) 100% free
Valuable Gift: Friendly, Fun contests to be the first ones paid.
EDIT: Not a freebie, you can pay with a little bit of time.
(Working-Class Upgrades) << Safe Havens >>
>> Brand New {{Real-Time Safe Haven}}
Everyone Is Welcome & People Can See YOU Are Online Block Parties!
$2M Today!
Gifts For You
Easy Community Service >>> This provides the Value, which we share with you.
Start Now or Learn More Below.
Post here: (one post / Two Easy answers)
a) Look at the newest post in the thread and look for a number of credits still available.
b) Now subtract $100 in Golden ICO Credits. //
You are reserving $100 in Golden ICO Credits for yourself and giving the rest to the next person.Recent post (example) = $1,876,400 Golden ICO Credits // Your Community Credit pool = $1,876,300 Golden ICO Credits // subtracting 100 credits.
(also see the ONE other step down below, please)
Start Here:
>>>> " I want more safe havens please " or " What are 'Block Parties!' " //
and include the number of Golden ICO Credits left for the next person.
# Plot Twist: We are asking one more step, for your application and $100 in Golden ICO Credits
(In this thread) We can do a simple experiment, called "Display of Beauty" // This was added after several replies, original group == Please update when you see this.
#### Your reservation includes a promise to
update your first post with a picture you consider beautiful. Later, we can all enjoy them.
Start Here:
>>>> " I want more safe havens please " or " What are 'Block Parties!' " //
and include the number of Golden ICO Credits left for the next person.
Easy Version Is Over.
Thank you~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Make It Real~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Our team IS the only one currently opening "long-term discussions" with the abused working-class of this community.
!! You don't need to look for our website or slick presentation.
Business plan:: The working class builds the companies and (optional) competes to be a CEO and/or earn a house in the real-world within 10 years // Watch for our "Middle-class" events ASAP
::The early seeds whales (only if we need them), get to earn their profits by getting paid large (LOL funny) amounts of credits for each *quality* post.
Summary: "You guys" (and ladies) get to enjoy learning new things, and the people expecting big profits need to *earn it* by helping out, else YOU get even more profits.
#We currently have NO competition, do you see any other "Teams" who can say that? (Working-Class Upgrades) Safe Havens = Threads where you get easy posts, AND provide a useful "Easy Community Service" which helps the entire forum in a new way.
Easy Community Service >> This provides the Value, which we share with you.
Block Parties!
$2M 2Day! ($100 Golden ICO Credits each) Sock puppets OK since we will create lasting value. // Please try to be a student who wants to improve, or a happysock with a sense of humor.
Minimum participation needed: With a promise most of the options are easy > Some "Working-Class" Heroes can (optionally) compete for a much better life // Stay Tuned..
This is Real. // We need "eyeballs" for an exciting experience, please watch for updates (EDIT 1st "Early response"/Community Service on Thursday. ++ You will see it in the title) in a few hours or much sooner.
Post here: (one post / 2 EZ answers)
1) Please try to be accurate:
a) Look at the newest post in the thread and look for a number of credits still available.
b) Now subtract $100 in Golden ICO Credits. // You are reserving $100 in Golden ICO Credits for yourself and giving the rest to the next person.
Recent post (example) = $1,876,400 Golden ICO Credits // Your Community Credit pool = $1,876,300 Golden ICO Credits // subtracting 100 credits.
3) >>>> " I want more safe havens please " or " What are 'Block Parties!' " // and include the number of Golden ICO Credits left for the next person.