You can do all kind of things if large money involved the bigger the better but one thing you should avoid is that you don't have money.
World goes more in this stage where poverty=criminal and not have much money you also could be criminal you can be treated as criminal or viewed as criminal.
The example: person who do commit some fraud or stealing money get better treatment then person who don't declare their income correct for taxes IRS will hunt you down even If you go another countries or If you own money the debt for banks or loan lenders you can be treated like criminal.
Conclusion=society start giving you extra punishment If you don't have money.
It's not like how to support or give some jobs to them or maybe help them to make their dreams or education but rather just giving hard time and labeling you as poor so you have even harder to get anything.
Discrimination not anymore by race or nation but it's by wealth only and it get bigger and bigger.
So it's like If you are poor you better don't appear anywhere just disapeare because first everybody see your money and then they look what kind of person are you.
The reason we have this system is corrupted moral values at the level of society as a whole. If a fine or fee is being levied when it actually deserves to be, then the money should HAVE to go to actual victims of the wrong, and is otherwise not only stealing but stealing from victims of violence! Its no different than me going to find handicapped people in specific to rob from and declaring myself immune as a good guy because I'm "the government" even though I'm doing something worse than what home robbers do.
I personally advocate to fix this by a Cooperative Republic system as linked to in my signature.