For those who can make money with all the possible ways will make a lot once they have right info right resources and good emough contacts and then there is rest of the people who try to just live and work and to show their skills and getting paid but they don't want to become super wealthy well those people will stay poor because with all that easy money inflation will go higher.
Luxury real estate is about booming since all those wealthy people need to buy Luxury homes.
So trillionaires are coming and it's easier to become rich If you want to be very rich but it will be impossible to be in middle class or just rich because If you are just rich you pay high taxes while super rich don't so high taxes or don't pay at all moving clear direction you either have 10 mil $ minimum or you don't have nothing at all !!
If you choose to be just normal working person you have nothing but If you choose just to be rich and find few basic rules for that you will have all.
off course you think it's hard to choose rich option but with that kind of inflation it means market investors and traders will make most of the money and those who work and don't want to speculate end up with Zero in their pockets
OP I understand you, individuals settling for just what they call salary without going further to seek for way to enhance their financial capability will remain poor while those who make money ordinarily and also strive to make money whichever way but in legit means will be more richer if they get more useful information from the direct good source to back up their existing zeal to strengthen their financial bouyancy more, buddy you're right, some people don't settle for less, they dont like the idea of having only one source of income, they go out from their zone or even in the internet to seek for information and once they get it they tap it and make a good use of it to grow their financial level, some person dont think about inflation and that's why most of them are being affected once it hits because they aren't ready to grow financially, they are comfortable with the amount being paid to them by their employers not knowing that such amount will no longer be sustainable once inflation hits higher.
I think the best way to avoid being stucked even though opportunities ain't coming is to seek for opportunities yourself by investing the little you can in asset that has a long-term value and benefits but settling for something that will keep you at the same level without hunting for more shouldn't be an option at all.