Exactly the opposite effect you hope to achieve.
really nice if it is true! than the situation is more worse than I expected. what will you do against it?
I mean what targets are reached in 7 years?
mass adoption --> negative
decentralisation --> negative
more fair wealth distribution --> negative
oh I forgot to mention this
with bullshit preachers like Ver.
EDIT: I was a bit unfair because with technology alone mankind is not able to solve social issues.
I do not think the powers which control bitcoin want the things you listed and it is a problem with bitcoin today. The ongoing block arguments have taken so much of the great mind's time for whatever reasons.
Mass Adoption
fair wealth distribution
Consider this, a new form of pow will never be dropped in a day with the mainstream media reporting to everyone run to your pc now, download makebitcoin.exe and by some unique ID everyone has a fair shot to accumulate coin. If that was possible you would gain mass adoption and decentralization. Granted there are many caveats, but it would be there in a much larger way than it has been. Giving everyone who knows the term bitcoin today an opportunity to become a level playing field would grant those things, along with other issues, but I think most would agree those are the priorities, along with a safe and secure client.
Bitcoin is already controlled by whales pushing price, china controlling the mining, and like it or not core controlling the code.
How long before the same people who control those aspects now would control those same aspects again after such an event?
Would the Joe sixpacks immediately sell their coins for the low prices bitcoin would see for a year, two, or more before recovering from such an event? It would recover, the price always recovers. The concept is too hardened not to recover.
Low income people will only ever be able to take advantage of low fees, but poor people cannot trade bitcoin, hell most people cannot trade bitcoin and make money. It is a collective who move the markets.
True fair wealth distribution will not happen, but man it would certainly provide a window to the status quo. Would it make the world a better place? I think it would for many people on a small scale, for a while, but not the end game, not the next 200 years.
I do wish the bitcoin elite could see that the inequalities of the haves versus the have nots are not always due to work ethic, or in simpler terms, people that are not just as intelligent and morally sound. There are many people who would do great things with an equal opportunity to do so, and more people doing great things is much better than more bitcoin being taken from more people and dropped int he hands of few, or the people who were lucky enough to learn about the project in 2010 - 2012.
I do not agree with a pure socialistic outlook, and I do not agree with handouts. I think everyone should earn what they have, but I also believe at some point in the far distant future we will learn to see what people can achieve with education moving forward at 14 or 40. The people who have and care will learn that it isn't always about someone's past actions, or money they inherited, but future actions and potential they possess which will open the floodgates. It is the future where bitcoin will become what I think most people want, not the people who already have and simply want more.
Do not get me wrong. I know there have been years of work put in by many people and I would never insinuate those people do not deserve their rewards, but in a system where it is easy enough to recognize people have plenty shouldn't we consider what paying it forward in bitcoin would be like?
Imagine taking someone who knows nothing about cryptography but years of experience in another field and the drive that equals your peers and teaching them. Maybe some other areas suffer for a while as this base of people is being built and unleashed. A true global core of deserving people being taught by pioneers rather than a group of investors, programmers, and people who were lucky continuing to push one or three agendas.
That would be yet another defining characteristic which could change the world for the better and I think could be the best to come of all. Teaching the bitcoin universe to fish. It doesn't take long to weed out the lazy, greedy, people who are only in it for themselves.
Unfortunately, then bitcoin elite wouldn't be so elite, so obviously, they will not allow such to happen.
The largest pools bitmain, f2pool, etc will continue to make more money than they could ever need, the programmers will continue to talk down their nose to struggling students, and the whales along with the corporations will continue to manipulate the markets.
If someone wanted to make a real change with bitcoin they would have to create a plan to move beyond the school yard antics, high school bullying, and using Daddy's money to make more money, they would have to look at what it would take to actually provide skills and opportunities real people can see as a possibility today, tomorrow, and that would be the goal going forward. Not giving money to people, giving opportunity.
Bitcoin cannot be destroyed. It can be made better or worse, but it will not be stopped. What choices can you make to bring more people in who care about it having a bigger impact on the world?