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You may as well say that every hash that doesn't satisfy the difficulty threshold is a waste with that sort of logic.
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This is the part that Jet Cash isn't catching on to.
You never make progress on a block. You calculate a hash, and either that specific hash for that specific block header meets the target, or it doesn't. If it meets the target, then you've solved a block and need to broadcast it before it gets orphaned. If it doesn't meet the target, then you need a new block header, and you have to start over with a new hash.
The result of each hash is unpredictable and therefore is effectively random. It's a bit like if you need to roll three six-sided dice together until all of them come up sixes simultaneously. Are all the rolls that don't come up with three sixes a waste? If you and another player are both doing the same, and I mark down a "block" every time one of you succeeds, are your failed rolls suddenly a waste if your opponent "wins" a block? Are his rolls a waste if you then later "win" a block?
Unlike "chair manufacturing" (where you are closer to completing it after 5 minutes of work), you are never any closer to solving a block. If the hash rate is balanced with the difficulty, then it is an average of 10 minutes until the next block will be solved. If the whole world under that condition has been trying for 9 minutes without a bock yet, it is still an average of 10 MORE minutes until a block is solved. If the whole world has been trying for 40 minutes without a bock yet, it is still an average of 10 MORE minutes until a block is solved. Nobody ever makes any progress or gets any closer, but sometimes someone gets lucky and wins the NEXT block hash they try. Meanwhile everyone else just keeps trying, knowing that the odds are that evetually they will get lucky on the NEXT bock hash they try.
The proof-of-work is
NOT a proof that you found a successful hash value (unlike a chair which IS proof that you built a chair).
The proof-of-work is proof that you have calculated ON AVERAGE 237,345,536,820,000,000,000 hashes (at the current difficulty), or whatever the average number of hashes required is for any given difficulty.
Note that it doesn't prove that you ACTUALLY calculated exactly that many hashes, but it does prove in the long run that you would need to have averaged that many hashes per successful block.
When someone else soves a block, it doesn't effect the AVERAGE number of hashes you'll need to calculate before you are lucky enough to get a good one. Regardless of whether you calculate 1 hash every 10 minutes or 237,345,536,820,000,000,000 hashes every 10 minutes, you still have a 1 in 237,345,536,820,000,000,000 chance of each hash being successful at the current difficulty.