
Topic: Would you move to my new mining city? (Read 602 times)

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
March 10, 2014, 03:53:09 PM
This is how the Weyland-Yutani corporation got into trouble on LV-246....

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
March 10, 2014, 11:45:30 AM
Getting ready to enter the BTC mining fray on a very large scale. No wasted energy in our new city will there be...It will be in a reasonably cold location w/ plenty of cheap electricity and full access to the worldwide web. We will create our own electricity, then we will use the energy that our millions of BTC only mining rigs transfer instantly to heat, to heat our many newly created city domed and cubicled spaces, where we use those spaces to create much other self sustaining work that brings in other dollars, wherein we can employ our many own family members and keep all employed who move to our newfound city. We will even manufacture our own new mining rigs there.

Only BTC will be mined and traded within (no other form of coin, or cash, or fiat $$$ accepted within, all barter will be in BTC, including reasonable rents & taxes of course). Those rates set by majority vote of the occupants.

No lease out of any mining rigs will be allowed by law. No one accepted into the city unless voted in by the majority, and no one expelled unless a theft (BTC related or otherwise), or other crime conviction is acheived. We will have a lawful society of only BTC miners and their families who are willing to start the community. The community will have regular growth just like the BTC equation...and based on the same. Each investment in the growth of the city receiving equal equity.

Will (or would you), be willing to buy in (commit), on the bottom floor now? Every hour of labor worked would receive the same rate of pay or profits. Willing to gamble? Are you interested?

If we build it...they will come. (and 1 guarantee...Our city will be plenty warm, and our rig cooling nearly free!)

"BTC Minerville Version 1.0" is about to begin...Do you want in on the bottom floor...."While you mine in the basement, you can live in the penthouse."
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