No its not customer support its about the trust factor they have got. LBC has been online since long time and the users are strictly verified before any trade. Moreover, when you do a trade your funds are hold to make sure you do not loose them if anything worse happens with opposite party or dealing party. Further you can meet locally to your partner via contact info that is easily available. And yes they have got bigger base of users than any other platform.
That's fanboying darling.
I trade both on Paxful and LBC.
I have had talked to LBC CS a couple of times lately and they took 2-3 days to reply.
Now I am patient gal, but when I get locked out of 11 BTC, I got paranoid, and that 2-3 days
didn't help.
I always leave a service that has a poor User Support because IMO
The presence of authority deters criminal activity and reduces chaotic outcomes, even online.
And I'm not talking about the fuzz.
It's been 3 weeks now and I think it's time to say I officially left LBC for Paxful.