Given the above, would you trade in bitcoin if it was illegal? How about Zerocoin(ZC)? Respectively? Vote Y/Y, or N/Y etc, with Y/Y being Yes I would trade in bitcoin even if it was illegal and Yes I would trade in Zerocoin even if it was illegal.
Rationally, there should be no votes for "Y/N", if you think it through, unless you have a blind faith in bitcoin since you are an investor. ;-)
February 26, 2014, 8:40 am
Now, Nations Mull the Ways to Regulate Bitcoin
Y/Y (Y because like copyright things change with time and rules need to change with it that and its a voluntary exchange hence it should be allowed) Plus if it has value one can move around to a legal area
To defend a Y/N I see it as a valuable choice because some people do want some traceability in addresses aka pseudo-anonymity instead of complete anonymity. (Even if they get arrested lol)
So throwing the rationale for that one out there
(That said if both were illegal then the most logical choice should be N/Y XD)
I do think one important thing was left out ceteris paribus all things the same
Whats the price on both I want to have access to all the markets not just half of them or less lol