hi bitcoin talk members
want to auction my websites EbitBux.com - EbitChat.com - EbitClix.com
reason for selling : i dont have much time to manage them all , i want to focus on 12allcat.io and vpscoin cryptocurrency
1 - EbitBux.com :we are generating good income from mellowads and here is the screenshot of our account in mellowads
ann thread
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/ann-official-ebitbuxcom-earn-bitcoin-by-view-ads-1746908domain info :- registrar : godaddy
- Expires: 12/14/2017
- Whois : included
- SSL Dec 28, 2017
domain will be pushed to your godaddy account
Script Info: Licensed script evolution script
https://www.evolutionscript.com/license-checker ebitbux.com uses legal EvolutionScript license!
license expire : 01st Jul, 2018
Support Expires 30th Dec, 2017
we will send login details for new owner
- you will got
https://img.ebitbux.com bitcoin img hosting for free
- coinzilla.io account
-anything related to ebitbux.com will be yours
- there no pendinfg payment at all , if you want more info PM me and ask
about the hosting you need to transfer the website to your hosting i can provide 1 week free hosting in my current server
also i will provide free move/transfer your website
i will stay with the new owner for one month to help him
Bidding for ebitbux.com start bid : 0.25 BTC
minimum increments : 0.01 BTC
Buy it now : 1 BTC
Auction duration : 3 days starting from now end on October 10, 2017, 06:00:00 PM bitcointalk.org server time
2 - EbitClix info
all information can be found here
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/wta-all-in-one-ebitclixcom-unique-script-server-12gb-ram-plesk-panel-1783198ann thread
Bidding for ebitclix.com start bid : 0.1 BTC
minimum increments : 0.01 BTC
Buy it now : 0.5 BTC
Auction duration : 3 days starting from now end on October 10, 2017, 06:00:00 PM bitcointalk.org server time
3 - EbitChat info :the chat server need to be installed in a VPS , the domain and hosting info here
ANN threadebitchat will be sold without the vps so you will auction domain also it integrated with ebitbux.com so members of ebitbux.com can login to chat with same username and password
domain info - registrar : namecheap
- Expires: May 26 2018
- Whois : included
- SSL Nov 05, 2017
Bidding for ebitchat.com start bid : 0.1 BTC
minimum increments : 0.01 BTC
Buy it now : 0.5 BTC
Auction duration : 3 days starting from now end on October 10, 2017, 06:00:00 PM bitcointalk.org server time
all this domains and chat server are hosted in one VPS info about this vps is here
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/wta-all-in-one-ebitclixcom-unique-script-server-12gb-ram-plesk-panel-1783198if you want to get them all with VPS just PM
i accept Bitcoin only , escrow is welcome any question post here or PM me