I mean I can also see it from the buyers side too, just never seen a post like this before. Good luck on your buying though.
I have a very large buying history on these forums and have done many deals and because of that, I am very trusted and have learned how things work. Because of that trust, I am afforded the ability to be picky to ensure that I don't get burned. A seller for these units can ship them to me, knowing full well I am trustworthy enough to not screw them over if there isn't a problem with them, it also ensures that I don't get burned in the process by someone dishonest. This account is worth well over 80 dollars so for me to scam for so little makes no sense anyway. I always offer an escrow option, as that's quite standard and if the seller chooses to use it, they can pay fees, but I believe my reputation goes a long way as well.