I saw another thread talking about PCGS. PCGS Paris have said if we get them to them, they would do the export / re-import to get them graded with their US counterparts. However, they say 3-4 months turnaround!
I wouldn't recommend my family let them go at anything less than that unless they really need to but again, if there's a real need to, then there isn't the luxury of having months and months (actually, in my case, coming up to two years) to find a means of grading / transport / secure exchange so I completely understand why someone would peel one - especially in a bear market if getting some fiat in is the priority because you could easily lose more than whatever premium-over-face one could get if the market went against you in the interim. And, in addition, you get to keep the beautiful coin!
It does seem bonkers though that we're in a world where some people would really like these and others would really like to sell these but right now there appears to be no way of breaking through the deadlock!
Ideas anyone?
I don’t think the problem is transporting the coin so much. If someone is willing to pay 16 BTC up front, I’ll hand deliver the coin myself with a smile and throw in a free beer.
I think the problem is mostly that buyers want to pay 10.5 BTC for these coins and sellers have 0 interest at that price. The other problem is that most of the inquiries I get on the high value coins end up being lame scam attempts. If someone was serious and willing to pay the price, the rest of the issues are easily solvable.