WTB the following:
- 2011 Casascius 1 BTC Series 2 (this is not the error coin but the one that came after it).
- 25 BTC redeemed/peeled Casascius coin
- 2014 Cryptonic Monero silver coin
- BHCoins (interested in any of these, I don't currently own any)
- 2015 Kialara Gold
- Crypto Imperator 100k Silver Dogecoin
- TGBEX 0.5 or 1 BTC
- Titan 0.5 or 1 BTC
If we agree on a price and you have good forum trust + send a picture with your username/date on it, then we shouldn't need escrow. Otherwise I prefer Blazed for escrow. Shipping would be to the USA, so factor that in if you're outside US and providing a quote.
I have 3 peeled 25BTC casascius coins if you are interested still in the soft cases with holograms partially attached. PM for fastest response. If you are interested, I will get them out of storage and take pics. Hadn't really planned on selling them until I saw this though.
What are you asking for them?