Current buying price is: $45 each INCLUDING shipment to Denmark!
This price is calculated based on the price pr/MH for a BRAND NEW G-Blade ($615 / 5.4 MH/s) * 0.36 (MH/s for a gridseed) = $41 pr Gridseed ($114 pr MH/s)
If you are not living/based in EU then I have NO interest in your ASIC's - sorry
If you prefer Escrow we can do so (at your expense) otherwise I will transfer BTC when gridseeds arrive AND have been tested to function 100%
I know the prices MAY seem low, but let's face it -> They are not worth more than their bigger brothers (or sisters) ie. a G-Blade at is right now $615.
Send a PM to me if interested, and remember everybody in EU qualifies here