Looking to buy just 1 physical bitcoin. Not looking for anything special like a casascius coin just a cheap physical bitcoin.
Can anyone recommend a place where i might be able to get one for about 0.001 and 0.1btc.
I would prefer silver instead of bronze.
Any help would be great, thanks.
I would find it very hard to believe that you would be able to find a silver coin for .1 even if it is unloaded. You certainly won't find one for .001 BTC.
If you are interested, I have several .1 BTC lealana coins, both silver and brass. All my coins would be loaded with their face value and do not have any kind of buyer funded markings. The price of both would be somewhat above .1 BTC though.
I also have two 1 LTC brass (nickel plated) coins that I would sell for .096 including the cost of shipping (assuming you only want one, I would sell them both for .171) assuming shipping is within the USA. If shipping would be international then it would really not be economical to buy because the cost of shipping would be so expensive.