Well my 5870 fan is starting to take a crap. It still works ... ish, but it's not reliable and could die at any point now. Card in question is
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121346It's started to make a hum-like sound that varies in volume, and if it gets loud and rattly, it can "scream" and got from 4500RPM at normal 100% speed to 600RPM and as loud as a smoke alarm. Sometimes it squeals perpetually and I have to manually change fan speed, or it stop squealing after about a half second and goes back to normal speed.
Anyways, story aside, I need a new fan pronto. Just the fan would be nice, but I don't know how much a fair price would be. I'm new to the whole bitcoin scene, and my first "purchase" on these forums led to me being scammed out of 11 coins -_-.
I also don't have much for feedback on these forums since, like I said, I'm new, but I have an ebay profile with good feedback @
http://myworld.ebay.com/ssatenethCompatible heatsink + fan assemblies, either reference or 3rd party (has to be 2 slot, not 3) will be considered as well. Finally, any sort of outside source that has them as well for fair prices would be nice too (Maybe a donation your way?... O.o)