Due to an overwhelming interest in this, I will temporary lock the thread until things cool down..
Thank you!
I think we are ready to open up this thread again. We are interested in 3-5 Twitter accounts, expanding slowly to keep good track on everything.
Therefore read this thread and then PM me the account you would like to participate with. After a review, we will either say "Thanks for your interest, but at this time we have to say no" or inform you of how we work with this and make you an offer.
I'd like to state that
participants are extremely free on when and how much they retweet. We pay for the work you chose to do.. To keep things simple, we often pay first. Not a single deal has so far gone bad
Given that we gets some candidates to review, the thread will be open until I wake up, which can be everything from four hours to 18h (been up for a long time).
Only PMs with the subject-line "
Twitter campaign" and with the relevant information will be considered.
Thank you![
OLD EDIT:((Due to an overwhelming interest in this, I will temporary lock the thread until things cool down..))Thank you!
ORIGINAL POST:I just created a thread (see for buying Twitter account with followers in the areas:
- Cryptocurrency/BTC
- Venture Capitalist/Angels
- Crowdfunding
I understand that many are unwilling to sell their accounts. Therefore I have the following suggesting:
If you have a Twitter account with at least 500 followers with the maojority in the above areas, I will pay you for retweeting certain tweets. In this idea there is similarities with the signature campaigns: You get paid for giving someone social attention.
You have to be able to prove ownership of the account.
Payment will be depending on the number of your followers. I will pay you per retweet. As these may vary greatly, we have to negotiate a price.
As I will do this manually, at least in the beginning, I am looking for a relative small number of accounts to be able to keep track and pay as I should.
Payment will be done after a retweet, where you DM the owner of the account with your Bitcointalk nick and the address you want me the payment to. You can also do several retweets and DM of that.
Payments will be in BTC. In rare cases, I can accept other currencies (with lower tx fees).
If I turnout to be a scumbag who doesn't pay you, simply stop retweeting.
Please PM your Twitter accounts to me, so I can evaluate them and hopefully agree on a price per retweet (or several, if you wish). I will also try to monitor this thread.