I have 12 Technobit HEX4M 400 GH/s miners with Arctic Freezer 7 Pro coolers that I’m looking to sell.
These are the boards:
http://technobit.eu/index.php?id_product=83&controller=product&id_lang=1Each board comes with 4 of these Arctic Freezer 7 Pro coolers (48 coolers in total!!):
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835186134I’m also throwing in two of these powered USB hubs:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004F38VFOTwo of these controllers pre-flashed with technobit firmware:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00634PLTWAnd 12 USB cables
…so basically everything that you’ll need to run these minus the power supplies.
You can see some pics of the miners and screenshots of cgminer here:
http://imgur.com/a/kYaSNNote that I’ve down clocked these boards in my setup (760mhz/740mV) to give me around 285 GH/s per board because I wanted to fit sets of 4 of them onto one EVGA 1300 G2 PSU. These settings are configurable inside of the controller interface and there are charts of the various settings included in the imgur link above.
I have all of the original packaging for the Arctic Freezer 7 Pro coolers as well in case you want to piece this out in the future and sell the coolers individually. I’ll detach the coolers for shipping so you’ll need to attach them once you receive them (two screws).
I’m asking $2000 shipped (fiat or escrow BTC) for the entire setup including the coolers, controllers, mining boards, usb hubs, and cables.
Here’s how I got to that price:
Arctic Freezer 7 Pro Coolers (at $15 ea) = $720 ($1,200 new)
Miners (at $90 ea) = $1080 ($1,425 new)
Controllers+Hubs+Cables = $65 ($85 new)
Shipping (4 14x12x11 boxes at 17.7 lbs each from 54901) = $160
I’m willing to do escrow at the buyer’s expense and I prefer BTC as payment.