Bullshit. I have had Saphire Vaper-x 7950's running for 8 months and the fans are still kickin ass as I type this. I have 12 of them and not a single one has messed up. On the other hand I had a MSI that went to shit.
While results my vary the poster you responded to was correct, the sapphire fans are pretty weak, and failure of any fan is to be expected (especially these) if you look at the build quality of the fans. They are thin flimsy fans with cheap sleeve bearings, certainly not up to the task of 24/7 mining like we use them for. The fact your's are at least spinning also doesn't prove they are in good shape or functioning properly. I have many spinning fans on my sapphires that are on their last legs and in failure mode. Just be prepared when they fail in the worst possible time during a hot spell in the summer.
which card makers to you have good fans , one of my 7970 ghz vapor x fans is starting to go out
The single fan (cage style) mentioned above seem to be good, also single fan powercolor and other similar style single fan solutions seem to work well (although the heatsinks on these particular models are non heatpipe cheapie, but it does the job, they also won't hash as fast as a top tier card like gigabyte or MSI) Gigabyte fans seem to be doing well in all my batches, they would be the perfect card if they didn't explode randomly from time to time, literally. They have a well known weak transistor part that will burn up and they have come pretty close a few times to starting a fire in my rigs, one got so hot (from the burning transistor / circuit board) it melted part of the shroud and fan of the gigabyte card sitting next to it (about 2-3" away), not to mention turning it black from the nasty soot it produced. Perhaps its only certain batches, but I've RMAed a lot with this issue, not all of which were mine. Other than that, they're great though