If this deal is real its a great deal. I've been getting 1300plus for my A2's lately.
I think it's great you got $1300+ from them, but frankly whoever you sold them to didn't get a good deal (not that it's your problem, to the contrary, congrats for getting as much as you did).
I bought 2 brand new A2's with warranty a few weeks ago from Zoomhash for $999 each + shipping with a coupon code, which philipma1957 was generous enough to give me:
Even without a coupon they're $1350 and if you bought 3 they'd probably cut you a deal, plus you're buying from a reputable company - so when something goes wrong (and one of my PSU's died in the first week), they had a new one to me in a couple days no problem.
Search eBay, not listed asking prices, but what things have actually sold for:
Forget the one that someone stole the other day for $450, or the ones like the $1480 best offer where someone had no clue and is getting ripped off (it's listed as a 110, but it's an 88, he even lists the power consumption as 900w).