$50 Facebook advertising voucher
Terms of use :
- worldwide use
- the credit expire in 90 days after redeem (if is not used)
- work on new account (your advertising account should not be older than 14 days and have not used any other coupon in past)
- one coupon per account
Vouchers are guaranteed against invalid/expired codes.
That means if for any reasons, you can not redeem the voucher - we replace them or refund your money instantly.
But the guarantee does not apply to any ads or account related issues.
Running the ads and accounts is buyer's responsibility.
Coupon redemption instructions:
1. Go to funding sources in your Ad account at :
secure.facebook.com/ads/manage/funding.php2. Click "Add a funding source"
3. Select "Facebook Coupon" and enter your coupon code, then submit.
Make a order online on our website :
http://voucherstore.net/Bitcoin accepted as payment option.