Limited time pre-order price!
BTC300Again, this is a limited time preorder price. I'm also offering an escrow assisted purchase with funds returned if the miner shipment experiences a prolonged delay.
Escrow price with prolonged delay protection:
Available for local pickup (DFW area) or express shipping once the unit arrives. Ordered and paid for on Feb 10th.
CrazyBlane --> WalletbitWalletbit --> AvalonI've done a quick analysis of the address that received my Feb 10th payment and I have a queue estimate of anywhere from 64 to 235 units in front of me.
Details of my analysis:
Avalon Address receiving Walletbit Payments:
This address received a total of 163 Avalon orders, with daily estimates adjusted for historic value.
I'm not sure if this was the only address receiving Avalon payments from Walletbit, perhaps they sold some to outside parties bypassing walletbit? In any case, Avalon says that they sold 600 units, so I've determined the max units ahead of me by multiplying daily volume by 3.68 (600/163). This is not a scientific calculation, just a guess given the data available in the Avalon receiving address I'm currently aware of.
Daily unit volume at Avalon's payment address:
Date |
Units Paid For |
| 02/02/13 | 35 |
| 02/03/13 | 29 |
| 02/10/13 | 1 |
| 02/11/13 | 1 |
| 02/17/13 | 5 |
| 02/18/13 | 79 |
| 02/19/13 | 1 |
| 02/20/13 | 2 |
| 02/22/13 | 6 |
| 02/25/13 | 2 |
| 03/06/13 | 1 |
| 03/09/13 | 1 |
Days: 12 |
Sold: 163 |
Note: 3 from the 3rd appear to have been paid for in full on the 18th. Probably a partial payment due to walletbit issues resolved at a later date. Also, I've ignored all withdrawals, even though some look like refunds...