Hey there,
Unfortunately, I do not have time to play HS anymore and I want to sell it if anyone is interested.
Transaction history from 2015: over 700 € but the account it's worth a lot less now.
Because of the standard format I disenchanted most of the wild cards but the curent collection its perfect for standard. Last month i ended up on rank 169.
Also, the account email can be changed for free and the battletag for 10€.
The account also contains the Diablo 3.
https://imgur.com/a/LdhsSCollection( only core cards, must-haves):
-27 legendaries
-17 epics
-4 golden heros + promotional hero skins( mensey,medivh)
-Big collection of cardbacks inclunding legend cardback.
PM an offer, i accept any coin listed on Binance.