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BTC prices including cheapest USPS shipping within the U.S. (including to an international shipping forwarding service of your choice) TBD, or you may pick up in San Diego, CA.
If you don't want to pay with
BTC, I also accept cash, but absolutely no PayPal or other non-cash scammer payment methods.
PM, IM (links under my QR code avatar), text
619-393-2253, or
IRC me. Don't, if you won't prove that you have enough funds to pay immediately.
Click for full-size:
Only includes component video & audio cables,
an unbranded like-new universal remote (that I can't figure out how to program or find a manual for) with satellite buttons (but not all the color buttons the Duo needs - use an IR universal remote app on your Samsung tablet for that), PDF manual emailed to you if is unavailable.
Despite being a complete noob at satellite work, I recently acquired
a secondhand dish & new Ku band LNB, but I can't get more than 0 signal quality through my window & to stand up its 4' x 2" diameter mast outside would require a heavyweight umbrella stand. So bring one & a non-bigscreen TV with component inputs & we can plug into my exterior outlet.
before shipping.
Trade for: + + or ...?