I have 11 lbs of escargot (I own
SnailsInTheMail.com) and probably around 7 lbs of morels (I can live on risotto and morels).
Asking $400.00 for one of each and free shipping/dry ice if you get the package deal.
$300 per LB for the morels + shipping.
$100 per LB for the escargot + shipping/dry ice.
The idea that escargot is supposed to be chewy is wrong. That idea comes from a canned based food industry. Our snails are light and fluffy.
Helix Aspersa (aka Cornu Aspersum) is a smaller snail but have an amazing flavor.
The BC morels are massive. Absolutely beautiful and good flavor. Dried and inspected in 2017.
The Alaska morels are smaller than the BC morels. I recommend getting the bigger ones first