Hi Guys,
as I finished most of the games and won't be playing any of these anymore, I hope someone else might have fun with them. I created all of these accounts years ago, nothing hacked or stolen.
Escrow is no problem.
Unfortunately all accounts are registered to my personal email adress. You will receive Login + PW + Security Answer. You will be able to fully Change all of the security Information. I won't have Access to account anymore.
PM me if interested.
1. Origin Account with 1 Game: 25$
•Battlefield 1 (Standard Edition, 300hrs pt, Lvl 80+, most classes/weapons unlocked, plenty of skins)
2. Origin Account with 10 Games: 14$
•Battlefield Hardline
•Crisis 2,3
•Dead Space 1,3
•Medal of Honor
•Mirror Edge
•Burnout Paradies
•Sim City
http://imgur.com/dG3zSBPBattle.net Account with 1 active Game: 2.5$
•StarCraft® II: Legacy of the Void™