Why ?
Need liquidity
Image from the account:
Price: BTC0.03
The account has
- A lifetime contract with 0.2 TH/s (sha256)
- A one year contract with 3.9546 H/s (equihash)
BTC only accepted
Current price 0.2 TH/s = BTC 0.017 BTC, but with lower maintenance fees.
Ethash contract was 7 Nov 2016: BTC 0.04 = USD 28.20; now USD 28.20 will be BTC 0.015, but half year contract is gone already, so there is BTC 0.0075 left.
Remember, Genesis Mining contracts are fixed in dollar, only converted to BTC for current rate.
Together (when it were new contracts) the amount should be BTC 0.0245. But as mentioned, the maintenance fees were much higher then they are now, so BTC 0.01 is very acceptable.