there's like MAYBE 1500$ in cards there, add 500-700$ for parts....
plus 140mh/s brings in like 250$USD a month on the only algo its really good for: ETH
so 12 + month ROI, assuming no diff changes, NO THANKS!
The cards are going for about $400 each now, so your estimate is quite a bit off. Thank you for taking the time for that post when you simply could have scrolled past it and taken your negativity elsewhere
Dude what? RX 470 for 400? I have seen them in the forums here for 200 and there are even other threads that RIGHT NOW are selling them for 230 or less. Get your act together.
Rig sold for $2950 so I think my act is plenty together, thanks
Sure you did
anyways please lock this thread then if your "sale is complete"