I listed it over full retail because of the additional filament, etc.. but that's why I pushed for offers, realistically because of selling prices in various places I know it will take a hit.. This is probably one of the worst communities for things like this because although there is plenty of interest there is also a do it yourself attitude which make things like this not as valuable..
IMO you could sell it here, but you would have to go at least 20% under retail (even with the extras) to even get a few bites. Just my opinion.
Sadly a lot of hobbies you do not get your money back out off. This is especially with hobbies that have huge improvements in models.
I mean your competing against other models such as -http://store.hackaday.com/products/bukito-portable .
That is a good printer as well, much smaller print bed but solid option for the hobbyist that wants to build it themselves...