How're you doin' ladies and gents? Let's get right down to business
Miraculously, I managed to acquire the domain name
I'm now looking to sell it.Valuable qualities of this domain:
- Short and to-the-point (i.e. self-descriptive)
- Pertaining to two rising industry (Bitcoin/cryptocurrency and mobiles)
- .com domain
- Near impossible to mishear or misspell
Q: What's included?A:
- This stunning domain name which is what you're here for
- Ownership until expiry in March 2016
Technicalities:- The domain is registered on, in transferring it, I will 'push' it to your account
- The domain has plenty of time until it needs to be renewed, as mentioned
Q: How much?A:
I'm looking to sell this for fiat, but Bitcoin can be arranged. I'm thinking in the range of 5 figures of US dollars or 2 figures of Bitcoin.
Q: What's the catch?A:
There isn't one. A great domain for a great price.
Post below if you're interested. The price is negotiable, hence my ambiguity.