Also worth noting -- just like caffeine pills some people use for weening, it's pretty easy to take in more of the drug than a normal person would get smoking or drinking a caffeinated beverage. Do not use it as daily chewing gum, even though it has a very refreshing, kind of tingling feel in your mouth. It's very easy to use this as normal gum instead of a combatant against cravings, which can leave you more addicted than when you started because the flavor and sensation isn't long-lasting. You'll want more nicotine, and this makes smoking much more attractive than you might think it could be.
That said, it is obviously a much safer alternative to smoking, and it does well to fight the craving to smoke. It can let me quit for weeks, but quitting the gum (without picking up smoking again) can be very difficult. That said, I think everyone would rather you be addicted to gum than cigarettes.