That's just like asking you are you fucked up?? Trying to enforce the rules, It was donated towards charity, and you're trying to make a profit off it? Do you even have a heart? I tried doing this, realized it wasn't allowed, and stopped. Have some self-restraint.
I don't understand your logic, the people who bought a bunch of keys to resell donated more to charity. Personally I don't think it's right to tell people what they can and can't do with something they have bought and paid for.
I suppose I'd better put my point of view on this.
On both occasions where I bought a humble bundle, I paid over the average, to get more games, and donate to charity. I have paid more, much more, than the heartless bastards who pay a penny, and no more, and believe me, there are lots of people who do that.
In my opinion, the stealing from charity point is moot, at least in my case.
You paid a lot more heh? How much more exactly? No matter how much you pay, I'm pretty sure the rules stay the same.