[SOLD]!!Hi, this is my first post after 3 years only register and watching this forum. I'm confuse how to start this, because I have no trust, no reputation. I start PM-ing ppl here who WTB skype credit related, and I'am happy when someone [will not tell who] wanting to buy my skype credit, but he didn't come back after I wait for 7 hours+. Ok, enough for the intro.
I have Skype Credit $100+, which I get from voucher - I'm not buying it from skype, and it's not illegal. I use skype for business and now the business not going well and I don't know what to do with this rest of credit.
For $100 Skype Credit, I Sell $45 in BTC (include the rest of credit). Here's how we do:
- 1. If you want to test me, add my skype, say "I want test", send me any logical amount of BTC for $2 skype credit (the BTC address I will provide later via skype), and I wil give you $2. (tester must be potential buyer!).
- 2. If you're sure want to buy, please tell me the method you pleased.
- 3. If you don't want $100, I can sell the fraction $2, $5, $10 (and multiples thereof).
- 4. Hey I'm newbie in this forum (1 post ) we all know it's risky, so I'll try the best I can to serv my potential costumer.
Here is my Skype Info (sreen shoot):
My current balance
http://i.snag.gy/gB7BE.jpgProve of purchase history that I not buy from skype.
http://i.snag.gy/ELrk6.jpgBuyer >> My Skype : leosablengQuestion or other can replay this post or PM.
I Only Accept BTC
$45 = 0.1083 BTC (preev.com)