Letting this go to earn some bitcoin.
After 6+ years I've got high level'd characters on almost every server with gold, mounts, achievements, pvp, and more.
This includes World Of Warcraft + Cataclysm + Lich King (Collector's Edition + Special Pet "Frosty Ice Wyrm")+ Burning Crusade. Also comes with starter set of Diablo 3.
Here is the main list of characters associated with this account (there are many other minor ones) :
Garrosh (PVE)
Lvl 80
Death Knight, Orc Shaman, Tauren Druid, Troll Mage, Orc Rogue, Orc Hunter
Lvl 20
Blood Elf Paladin, Blood Elf Priest, Tauren Warrior, Goblin Warlock,
WyrmRest Accord (RP)
Lvl 85 - Priest.
Lvl 80
Draenei Shaman, Night Elf Hunter, Human Paladin, Human Mage, Human Death Knight
Night Elf Warrior, Human Warlock, Draenei Priest, Night Elf Druid, Worgen Rogue
Dentarg (PVE)
Lvl 40 Human Warlcok
Nathrezim (PVP)
Lvl 55-60
Night Elf Druid, Night Elf Death Knight
Galakrond PVE
Lvl 56 Human Death Knight
Argent Dawn (RP)
lvl 56 human death knight.
Archimonde (PVP)
lvl 40-70 Human Paladin, Night Elf Hunter, 70 Gnome mage, Human Priest, Night Elf Druid,
Draenei Death Knight.
Bleeding Hollow (PVP)
20-35 Night Elf Drui, Human Mage.
Americas & Oceania (US)
Account has game time until October 22nd. If you'd like to make an offer and want proof we can go onto Skype and share screen. I'll log in and go through each Character. That will also give you a chance to check out all their equipment/items/pets.
http://s1056.photobucket.com/albums/t364/jakeolsen429/ <-----(Screenshots of Character Sheets.)
Some battle sheets to give you an idea :
http://www.maskedarmory.com/anonymous-wow-armory-profiles-101958.html http://www.maskedarmory.com/anonymous-wow-armory-profiles-101959.html http://www.maskedarmory.com/anonymous-wow-armory-profiles-101960.html http://www.maskedarmory.com/anonymous-wow-armory-profiles-101961.html As the original owner I am also giving you the name and password of the email used to sign up with this blizzard account so that you can secure it as your own and keep your purchase safe. This includes
security questions.
When you first log in under a new IP address and computer, it might say "this account has been locked because of suspicious activity." Just click the "send email activation" link, it sends to email that I give you, click the activation inside of that which asks to change to a new password. Then your back into battle net and ready to go, change whatever details and claim it for your own.
I haven't made a lot of sells on this forum but do have a few long time members who can vouch for me. I know that most people are only usually interested in 1-2 champs so I'm not trying to sell this for a small fortune but will take a good offer when I see one.
Would also consider trade in value if you have a Guild Wars 2 account.