I've opened a couple threads in the past, generating little to no interest, so this time, i'll give anybody a great deal to take over my complete adult enterprise.
The thing is: i've changed jobs a while ago, and i have almost no time to work on my adult [XXX] sites. At the moment, most of the sites are still live and get a fair amount of visitors, but due to a wordpress bug script kiddies were able to inject spam posts into the database. Also, some sites went down recently, and i have no time to fix the issues, so in a little while the traffic and google rankings will die. Since i worked long and hard to build these sites, it hurts me to see them this way, so i'd rather sell everything to somebody that can spend some time and energy into revitalising them.
These domains are real and developed, they generate revenue, have traffic, are aged,... BUT the seller will need a couple weeks to clean everything up, patch wordpress,... before he/she can start to expand these domains.
Included in the package are:
- all listed domains
- free push to a namesilo account
- the scripts (if asked), any hardcoded passwords will be removed before sending them over
- the datase (if asked)
Not included in the package:
- the escrow's fee (i accept a trusted escrow, but the buyer will have to pay the fee)
- setting up the site on your server (i can do this, but it'll cost a bit extra)
- push to a different registrar (a namesilo account is free, so you sign up for one, i'll push the domain to you, and you can do whatever you like with it afterwards, including pushing it to your own registrar of choice)
NEW: i'm willing to do a cheap trial run... If you'd like to see how much traffic and which traffic sources, i'd be willing to change the DNS records for 24 hours, as long as you run a copy of my website on your server (an exact copy). This way you can monitor everything yourself. I'd charge 0.01BTC/domain/day for wordpress sites and 0.025BTC/domain/day for all others, but i'll discount 50% of the amount payed for trials when you decide to purchase the domains.The domain list [NSFW] [XXX] => last month's cloudflare statistics added in case cloudflare was enabled
- 33dporn.com => 5,514 requests
- 3d-find.com => 269,734 requests
- 3dpor.com => 3,618 requests
- 3dpornportal.com => 252,320 requests
- 3dtoplist.com => 2,055 requests
- 3dxxxsearch.com => ? requests
- buywithbtc.biz => 17,828 requests
- gfsnude.com => ? requests
- www.logxxx.com => ? requests
- max3dporn.com => ? requests
- pleasur3d.com => ? requests
- ponr.mobi => 690,153 requests
- secretaryfuck.net => ? requests
- stereoanal.com => ? requests
- stereoblowjob.com => ? requests
- stereocumshot.com => ? requests
- stereoheels.com => ? requests
- stereolesbo.com => ? requests
- stereolingerie.com => ? requests
- stereoteen.com => ? requests
- xxxstereo.com => ? requests
I'm entertaining all offers... I really don't have time to maintain these. I did make a fair amount of money from them in the past, and i truly believe somebody that has spare time to maintain everything can make a nice chunk of profit running them.
You can ask any questions here in this thread, or send me a PM... I can show some cloudflare stats, but i don't really have the time to install some real stats software on all these domains. If i had to do that, i might aswell fix all the problems and keep them running myself
. I'll check my messages 2-3 times/week, so don't worry if i don't reply right away (i'm AFK rather often, but i allways keep my pc running, so i might show as being online while in reality i'm away for 2-3 days)