I have made my own homebrew tap to make it easier to compile bitcoind, bitcoind-next-test, and armory-qt from source on Mac OSX. It's been up and working for me for a while, and I've posted about it elsewhere, but I figured it deserved it's own thread.
https://github.com/wysenynja/homebrew-bitcoinIf you don't yet have homebrew, it is incredibly easy to install.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
It's always a good idea to keep brew up to date and to check with the doctor to make sure everything is running smoothly. If you just installed homebrew, you will more than likely need to also install Xcode (don't worry, it's free and easy to get from the App Store) and the Command Line Tools that come with Xcode. The doctor should tell you how.
brew update
brew doctor
Now you are ready to get my formula!
brew tap WyseNynja/bitcoin
Now you can install things! I used to have to prefix my install targets with "wysenynja/bitcoin/" but since the last time I updated, I haven't needed to.
Try one (or all) of these first.
brew install bitcoind
brew install bitcoind-next-test --HEAD
brew install armory-qt
And if those fail (let me know if they do), do it like this:
brew install wysenynja/bitcoin/bitcoind
brew install wysenynja/bitcoin/bitcoind-next-test --HEAD
brew install wysenynja/bitcoin/armory-qt
All of the source comes from their official repositories. I'm just providing formula to make the install easy.
bitcoind is the v0.7.2 tag of
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoinbitcoind-next-test is the next-test branch of
https://github.com/luke-jr/bitcoinarmory-qt is the v0.86.3-beta tag of
https://github.com/etotheipi/BitcoinArmoryEDIT: When installing armory-qt, the git tag is verified against etotheipi's armory signing key. The git command will attempt to add the key to your keychain for you, but sometimes your default keyserver does not have the key (keyserver.pgp.com is missing armory's because keys have to manually added and verified there).
If armory fails to add the key for you, you can get it for sure from ubuntu. This step will more than likely NOT need to be run, but if you get the error "gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found" then run this.
gpg --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 98832223