Hi everyone,
I am Otto von Nostitz the CEO of the upcoming NEM powered video game distribution platform company/platform called "Xarcade."
https://t.me/joinchat/EZvkTkPk7msNRR3yQX0wWwIn the chat above, I can keep you all updated on Xarcade developments in preparation for our upcoming DSO. in the chat group I will inform you when the exact date of the Discounted Sale Offer (DSO) will take place whereby Xarcade's XAR will be offered at a 20 percent discount.
Below is the description of Xarcade:
In explaining Xarcade, I always feel a good way to explain how the platform works is through an example of the platform’s user flow. It will give you a sense of how the Xarcade platform works which is basically distributing NEM blockchained games and seamlessly NEM blockchaining video games from game publishers. I will use made up names for this example:
Bill is a video game publisher and uploads his game called "Streets" onto Xarcade.
Bill then downloads the NEM Software Developer Kit (SDK) and the Xarcade Wallet from the Xarcade platform to "NEM blockchain" his game.
Bill sets his "Dosh" (the name of his game’s in-game credits) exchange rate to for 50 Dosh equals 1 XAR (the name of Xarcade's token). He then submits this exchange rate to Xarcade for approval.
Xarcade approves this conversion rate.
Bill's game starts to become popular on Xarcade.
Streets' in-game currency Dosh expands in circulation.
A gamer of Streets called Frank now has 100,000 Dosh after playing Streets for so long.
Frank wants to exchange 100 Dosh for some XAR.
XAR is equal to 1 EUR in constant value. **XAR is pegged to EUR 1 and has a constant value.
Frank exchanges 100 Dosh for 2 XAR.
Now another gamer called Ned wants to get in on the action.
Ned wants to buy 5 XAR on the Xarcade e-commerce platform.
Ned exchanges 24 XEM for 5 XAR (24 XEM is EUR 5).
Ned gets his five XAR and chooses to sit on it for now for his thinking it will rise in value to the other currencies.
Xarcade is the first video game company to integrate NEM blockchain technology with the widely used "Unity" game developer software.
“Blockchaining” video games by introducing a cryptocurrency called “XEM” (similar to Bitcoin and from the NEM foundation) for gamers to exchange with one another.
Creating a game distribution platform called “Xarcade” that runs on blockchain for both game publishers and gamers to use and is a more direct alternative to the other app stores.
Gamers can now exchange in-game currencies (in-game credits) both ways, which they were unable to do before.
No need for a linked credit card for in-app purchases, so one has faster transferring.
Some countries do not have the Google Wallet or the Apple Pay feature available – blockchain allows for this.
Google and Apple each take 30% of the revenue from the game publishers – this does not happen on.
Blockchaining video games disintermediate the established “middle men (the app stores)” and creates a direct relationship between the game publisher and gamer.
It allows the game publishers to rely less on generating revenue from advertisements, which annoy the gamers usually and to make more revenue from in-app purchases since Xarcade would take far less than 30%.
Xarcade allows the gamer to make income because the in-game currencies of various games can be converted into the cryptocurrency XEM, which in turn can be converted into real fiat money.
The blockchain API’s will allow games on the platform to interact directly with one another using “blockchain nodes,” which in-turn will make any third party middleware irrelevant.
Please find below is a video showing how we integrated a “NEM blockchain wallet” into a video game called “Send ‘em to Hell,” by the video games publisher known as Xhai Studios. We were one of the first to blockchain a Unity-based game.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-2eli1i0bPlT1lOUmp3VWNsczg/view?usp=drivesdk Please find below the various news outlets that have picked up on what Xhai Studios is doing:
http://www.thestar.com.my/tech/tech-news/2017/05/17/empowering-indie-game-developers-with-blockchain/ http://www.econotimes.com/Global-experts-to-come-together-for-Initial-Coin-Offering-Conference-on-May-29-712601 http://www.pressat.co.uk/releases/xhai-studios-adopts-blockchain-technology-for-video-games-3a416090f2cdcb88bf858d27db6c8e8c/ https://cointelegraph.com/news/xhai-studios-integrates-nem-blockchain-to-ditch-middlemen-payment-processor http://abitco.in/xhai-studios-integrates-nem-blockchain-to-ditch-middlemen-payment-processor/ http://bitcoinschannel.com/malaysian-video-game-developer-xhai-studios-to-adopt-nem-blockchain/ http://insidebitcoins.com/news/xhai-studios-integrates-nem-blockchain-to-ditch-middlemen-payment-processor/38647 http://fintechnews.hk/855/blockchain/xhai-studios-adopts-blockchain-technology-video-games/ http://www.econotimes.com/Xhai-Studios-to-adopt-NEM-blockchain-technology-for-video-games-platform-586213 I also recently attended a conference on the new type of "crypto IPO" for companies called "Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)." in Seoul, South Korea as stated here:
http://www.econotimes.com/Global-experts-to-come-together-for-Initial-Coin-Offering-Conference-on-May-29-712601 Also here are two YouTube videos about Xarcade:
Gamer Xarcade Flow:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLadjWT-M-k Game Publisher Xarcade Flow
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv4c1BJSFs8 Here is the Xarcade website for more information:
http://www.xarcade.io/ SUMMARY
The Xarcade platform should be completed around January 2018 after our Discounted Sale Offer (DSO) where our token called “XAR” will have a 20 percent discount is over for building the platform. The date for our DSO will be announced soon.
Simply put this is the process flow for a gamer:
Accumulate in-game credits --> convert those in-game credits into Xarcade's token called XAR --> the gamer is then free to convert his XAR into XEM --> then the gamer can cash out his XEM into real money on the attached NEM exchange.
I can visualize German gamers having their screen for playing their games and another screen with the Xarcade and the NEM cryptoexchange on it where they just keep on cashing out. Gamers I feel would adapt easily and take on this new behaviour.
Xarcade can also be an easy way for people to get introduced to blockchain as well and get an idea of crypto works.
For anyone interested in how blockchain technology works with video games and would like to keep updated on the upcoming Xarcade Discounted Sale Offer (DSO) whereby Xarcade's XAR will be sold at a 20% discount, please join our Telegram chat link below:
https://t.me/joinchat/EZvkTkPk7msNRR3yQX0wWwPlease find an interview below on how Xarcade works:
https://vimeo.com/228606508Please find a newspaper article on how Xarcade works: