Because if it is for gaming then it should do the same as two cards put together in SLI because it costs around that much.
It is similar to the Titan card line where it can be used as a gaming card but it shines as a workstation card. I think for VR applications it will work well, but I am really no sure at all. I used it for point cloud creation and rendering and only went with it because it was a single card that was very powerful.
Dunno if this info helps or not but from what I read, in order to get the best performance out of it, you must use the FirePro drivers so I assume it has some sort of capability along those lines.
Interesting if it is true.
OP has not answered the above inquiry yet so I will ask another one:
What power supply would it require to run this and could I couple this with 4-5 other GPU's on the same board and if so what Wattage on the power supply would I need then?