Funny thing that, unless you live in a totalitarian regime, it's the people you do not despise who voted for the politicians you despise... And that's absurd.
Not just in the Balkans, but in many parts of the world, people have this tendency to vote for jackasses or part-jackasses who become compete jackasses as their presidency keeps going. Even though it's the people that put them in power, many don't see the bigger picture, they get tricked trusting liars, and of course election manipulation will always be a thing.
You seem awfully optimistic regarding the outcome. Nothing wrong with that. However, I don't see the governments of the world giving up that easily if they start getting rolled over with Bitcoin and crypto.
It is because mostly old people are the ones opposing it, well and totalitarian regimes, and they have trying to mimic the Chinese, with absolute failure.
So now it is "State backed crypto", ie. printing without actual printers! Using euphemisms like CBDC or such to not make it look as ugly as they truly are.
However, the system is nearing a collapse (again), another world crisis is looming with the Americans printing USD like there is no tomorrow. Well, no matter how mighty your economy is, sooner or later the result shows, which is why they now have the highest inflation since 4 decades or so, and can only grow faster and faster. Trump and now Biden are simply doing the same thing Maduro and Mugabe did, and the results can only be the same, that is how the economy works, it doesn't care who you are or what are your intentions, certain actions produce certain results (and usually the best action is do nothing, but politicians can't help it, give them power and they will abuse it sooner or later).
Money emission ("printing") produces inflation, doesn't matter what your excuse is. The USD can actually collapse and fall in the same hyperinflation spiral seen in so many cases of history, and people will not have enough time to flee to a safe asset, such as bitcoin. Induced inflation from overbudgeting is the most tyrannical of taxes, and you have no say about it, unless you get rid of that thing that is losing value before is too late. And guess what? That makes it worse, but you can't command the market, that is what those totalitarian leaders always fail to realize.
Almost a century ago, the US crashed its economy, from being blinded by keynesianism etc. And that "pillar of freedom", banned ownership of gold and seized it from everyone until the 70ties. Don't forget that these guys can do things like that because those powers exist. Bitcoin is not controlled by your government, and never will. Regulation can be circumvented, and it will always be, because it was designed to resist it. So the less regulation, the better. In my opinion, the only realistic tax you could impose to bitcoin is VAT, simply because the State can go do physical audits to the business selling/importing goods.