
Topic: [XMR] Monero - A secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency - page 429. (Read 4671575 times)

Activity: 29
Merit: 0

I developed a web site that allows users to receive free email alerts when Monero price meet a certain price condition (based on kraken rates).

Price is monitored every 1 minute, 24/7. Service is provided free of charge. Hope it's usefull.
Comments are welcome. Have fun, and happy Monero trading.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 4969
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
Why XMR was frozen at poloniex??

You need to refresh the page.
Activity: 3570
Merit: 1959
not good,

i checked "ä", "ü", "ae" and "ue".

password : fail!

put in 25 seed word: "Error: Electrum-style word list failed verification"

When typing the first 3 chars was no autoupdate.

Does somebody has any idea.   

Yeah... But... how much xmr are you talking about here roughly? Tongue
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
I wonder whats the thing behind the big increase of fees lately.
If its decreasing the amount of people mining it will probably succeed since slow speed miner wont want to mine a week for a pool before getting anything out of it.
If its not, its failing miserably.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
not good,

i checked "ä", "ü", "ae" and "ue".

password : fail!

put in 25 seed word: "Error: Electrum-style word list failed verification"

When typing the first 3 chars was no autoupdate.

Does somebody has any idea.   
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
Did you try "ue" "ae" instead? Thing is you only need the first 3? characters of the words to build your mnemonic seed. Always told them that the Umlaute may cause some problems...

i will check it (ue and ae) in password and seed words.

hero member
Activity: 768
Merit: 505
Did you try "ue" "ae" instead? Thing is you only need the first 3? characters of the words to build your mnemonic seed. Always told them that the Umlaute may cause some problems...
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
Dear members and xmr developers,

the monero-wallet-cli.exe don't like my password and now i would like restore the wallet to an other at these procedure.
( )

My problem is that the first 2 seed words have also odd characters.

I selected the language "2" (german).

What are the real characters for the missmatch?
Of the logical words, it should be an "ä" and "ü". But in utf/8 is the second different "c3 ba"

Can it be that my password does not go, because there also ä and ü occurs and UTF8 is the problem?


Activity: 2604
Merit: 1748
Why XMR was frozen at poloniex??

It's not frozen, nor was it recently.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Now is open new Monero Pool by Forever Pool on htp://
This monero pool have new easy mining software (alpha) and Stats & Payment History App for android here:
What do you think about XMR Monero Pool by Forever Pool Team?
hero member
Activity: 1246
Merit: 708
Why XMR was frozen at poloniex??
Activity: 3570
Merit: 1959
How many GBs does XMR blockchain weight?

Mine appears to be ~10 or so (windows 10)
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1001
How many GBs does XMR blockchain weight?
Activity: 3836
Merit: 4969
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
"Monero transactions are about 50x larger than their equivalent Bitcoin transactions"

That is wrong twice.

First of all, let's start with objective facts. Current BTC typical transactions are about 500 bytes (looking at block explorer we see most 1 MB blocks have about 2000 tx). XMR RingCT transactions are about 13K, which makes them 26x larger, not 50x larger.

Second they are not "equivalent" since XMR transactions provide privacy and fungibility and BTC transactions don't. To get that with BTC you would have to run through mixers or multiple coinjoins or something, which would bloat the effective tx size by creating more transactions to do the same thing (or actually still less, since amounts aren't hidden, and fungibility is questionable since it is usually obvious when coins are run through a mixer)

Thx for pointing that out smooth, I assumed he was painting a worse case scenario where XMR is handling the same traffic as BTC currently, which is still within acceptable limits in my mind.
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1198
"Monero transactions are about 50x larger than their equivalent Bitcoin transactions"

That is wrong twice.

First of all, let's start with objective facts. Current BTC typical transactions are about 500 bytes (looking at block explorer we see most 1 MB blocks have about 2000 tx). XMR RingCT transactions are about 13K, which makes them 26x larger, not 50x larger.

Second they are not "equivalent" since XMR transactions provide privacy and fungibility and BTC transactions don't. To get that with BTC you would have to run through mixers or multiple coinjoins or something, which would bloat the effective tx size by creating more transactions to do the same thing (or actually still less, since amounts aren't hidden, and fungibility is questionable since it is usually obvious when coins are run through a mixer)
Activity: 3836
Merit: 4969
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
is this censorship ?

Look at one of the latest posts made by hyc on /r/bitcoin:

its in a thread theymos shits over Monero because of scaling "issues":

hyc comment explaining his view point is not showing there:


ahh who cares.

Monero's got big transactions and will have big blocks. Its known.

If thats *the* reason that bitcoiners don't like the tech.... then things are looking good.

Yeah, Theymos explains what he considers scaling problems with monero here and I for one don't see an issue. I've bolded the relevant parts.

[–]theymos [score hidden] 7 hours ago*
Monero transactions are about 50x larger than their equivalent Bitcoin transactions. So to reach Bitcoin's current volume of transactions, Monero full nodes would need a continuous bandwidth of at least about (1MB * 50)/(10*60 seconds/block) = 83 kB/s. Probably much more than this would be required for an average node -- this is the theoretical minimum. It's not an impossible bandwidth even for many home users, but that much bandwidth is still a very high cost for full nodes. Monero transactions also require more computation to verify, but I don't know exactly how much compared to Bitcoin transactions; this might actually be more of a bottleneck than the bandwidth.
Additionally, Monero archival nodes dealing with Bitcoin-level tx volume would need to store about (1MB * 50 * 6 blocks/hour * 24 hours/day * 365 days/year) = 2.6TB per year. In Bitcoin, all but a few GB of this could be discarded due to pruning by non-archival nodes, but while Bitcoin full nodes can prune everything except UTXOs, Monero full nodes must store even spent TXOs forever. Monero can prune witness data and maybe some other stuff, but this only gets you a constant-factor reduction in storage. So storage-wise, Bitcoin scales more-or-less O(1), while Monero scales O(n), where n is the number of transactions.

AFA the bitcoin reddit censoring HYC, I find that a HUGE issue!

I bet your all really happy you went over to reddit.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1008
is this censorship ?

Look at one of the latest posts made by hyc on /r/bitcoin:

its in a thread theymos shits over Monero because of scaling "issues":

hyc comment explaining his view point is not showing there:


ahh who cares.

Monero's got big transactions and will have big blocks. Its known.

If thats *the* reason that bitcoiners don't like the tech.... then things are looking good.
sr. member
Activity: 807
Merit: 423
hello sir,, where can I get coins monero through the home address?
2) You can just run the wallet by itself, and connect to a remote node, which does not require having the blockchain on your computer.
Sorry for this question, but, how to do that?
Thanks in advance
I assume you have monero installed on your computer.
You don't have to run monerod, which syncs the blockchain.
You can simply run the wallet monero-wallet-cli and connect it to a remote node.
Your wallet will then use the remote node's blockchain to update its balance.
This post explains it:

Basically, the command looks like this:
./monero-wallet-cli --daemon-host
or use one of the other nodes listed at moneroworld

hero member
Activity: 687
Merit: 500
When waiting for the final version of the wallet?
hero member
Activity: 546
Merit: 500
hello sir,, where can I get coins monero through the home address?
I'm not sure what you mean.
Do you want to buy xmr?
Go to
Do you want to know how to keep the coins in your own wallet?
To use the command line interface wallet (monero-wallet-cli), you have two options.
1) You can download ("sync") the blockchain and run a full node.
2) You can just run the wallet by itself, and connect to a remote node, which does not require having the blockchain on your computer.

Sorry for this question, but, how to do that?
Thanks in advance
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