Icebreaker is abandoning Monero? Is It True?
Shen is abandoning Monero? Is It true?
What kind of Bullshit FUD is this???
The DashHoles' panicked, immature response to changes in Dutch law making Masternode money-laundering illegal is messenger-shooting tu quoque, that is the accusation of hypocrisy (or in kindergarten terms, 'I'm rubber you're glue').
Rather than explain why Masternodes, which exist only to facilitate coin mixing and other (unlicensed) money services, are not effected by the new Dutch law, they deflect by changing the subject to some ridiculous unsupported theory that Monero is now illegal there.
Never mind that Apple's expensive top-shelf lawyers said Monero is OK shortly after they banned Dash from iOS, because tu quoque is spatula's go-to deflection mechanism. EG, he used that logical fallacy as his primary talking point during his epic defense of Dash's Instamine.
For insight into why spatula is pushing such obvious Bullshit FUD, see his posting history.
When Monero launched in mid 2014, he was pumping all kinds of shitcoins, none of which ever went anywhere except into the great dump of history.
So we know why poor spatula is so bitter, having missed out on the Monero Moon Train and instead choosing to hold bags of SummerCoin (LOL), BitQuark (LOL), SiliconValleyCoin (double LOL), GroestelCoin (WTF LOL), Navajo (ROTFLMFAO), and something called Metiscoin ("might hit cryptsy tomorrow!"

For the record, I am not nor have one iota of intention of leaving Monero. Like Bitcoin, I am committed for the duration of the experiment.
A small portion of my holdings could buy me a Tesla, but I'd rather wait until those coins will get me a few acres of prime Napa vineyard (and won't need to be changed into fiat).