1. Cointed - Green mining and Crypto ATMs all over Europe. Partners: Nvidia and TAS Group
2. Giftz - loyalty token - you can actually earn rewards by purchasing it, which is amazing. Also, augmented reality into the BlockChain. Partners: BlockV
3. Bee Token - fully decentralized home-sharing network.
Haha, I also bought CTD and Giftz. Very nice projects, indeed! I'd say that you might wanna consider AgroTechFarm, as well! ATF enables automated Cannabis cultivation at home. ATF is a security token that strives to conquer three of the fastest growing markets - cannabis, organic food and blockchain. By joining the crowdsale investors will get 30% of the companies profits.
Whereas for the post, I also bought XMRG, however, I sold it out immediately as I saw the price rising that rapidly.
It is good to see that there are some people out there with real projects, not scams. After seeing this absurd fraud that is XMRG. Can't wait for ATF to open sales.