Hi Guys,
search wallet & debit card
After many tests, I personally advice you Wirex .. Beguiner/Expert/pro..
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- Wallet & Xchange Dash coming soon..
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- large possibility virtual card
- plastic card delivery 7/14 days (verification account)
your minimalist black with name card ..
- accept Epos, ATM, all payment
- Affiliate Program
- support effective
- Great exchange multi currency very very ... "Low fee" ^^
since segwit
News !!!..https://wirexapp.com/blog/New Wirex Partnership [/i]Wallet & Contactless Cards With
Dash [/i]
https://wirexapp.com/dash-wallet-integration/Other BOMMMB !! A Bigger Wirex Means Better Exchange Rates For You — Introducing The W-Pay Liquidity Poolhttps://wirexapp.com/introducing-wpay-liquidity-pool/thank you for sharing your experiences or other system
BTCitnodps: I look forward to add illustrations (this will be less flat)