This guide will be a bit shorter than the last two, mainly because I'd consider this in "beta" right now. For the time being, I wouldn't consider it 100% "noobproof".
The key differences between my
previous guides and this one are:
- When you sign up for your DigitalOcean or Linode account, you must select a 32-bit version of Ubuntu 13.04, not a 64-bit one. jhPrimeminer was built for windows, so to run it on a *nix VPS it needs to run on Wine. Wine has major issues installing on 64-bit Ubuntu.
- Because this installation uses Wine, there's a limitation when it comes to running the miner. You can either:
- Watch the miner as it runs in the foreground, but have it stop if you close your session
- Have the miner running in the background regardless of if you're connected but not be able to watch live results
- Have the miner running in the background, be able to watch live results, but have the miner run at half speed
- This setup opts for the 2nd option. The miner runs in the background and you can check your progress on
Getting Down to Business- When you create your VPS node, be sure to select Ubuntu 13.04 x32 (not x64)
- Copy this script to notepad and modify the fields at the top of the script. (Highlighted version)
- YPOOL_USERNAME is your yPool username AND worker. It usually looks like "username.workername".
- YPOOL_PASSWORD is your yPool worker's password, not your login password. Usually, it's "x".
- YPOOL_SIEVESIZE and YPOOL_PRIMES are parameters for jhPrimeminer
- Connect to your VPS node via PuTTY, then paste the script.
- Once the script finishes, run ./peek to verify that the jhPrimeminer process is running in the background
NotesIf the parameters for jhPrimeminer change (or if you decide to use a different mining client), you'll need to modify the
./miner script and add them.
./miner script automatically detects the number of CPU cores available and utilizes all of them. This works regardless of if you've selected a 1 CPU plan or an 8 CPU plan.
If you get a message about accepting an EULA, press TAB to highlight the OK button, then press SPACE.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions, but do keep in mind even though this script is tested and working, it's still currently in a beta phase.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Enjoy your Primecoins!