Hi Everyone,
I having been messaging with IW. Here are the breaking on the MN wallet hosting. There are two options. First is the trustless you setup the controller wallet almost like masternode setup on your local desktop.
Setup the controller wallet in this guide:
http://thecryptoworld.org/how-to-setup-your-masternode#remoteYour wallet holds the actual coins, IW will remote start your MN (hosted wallet) acts as the node and you can close out your wallet.
Second, If users are unable to setup the controlling wallet for some reason, and still wants to host MN. You send IW the coins, he setup everything up on the servers and send you the privkeys to import to your local wallet.
I am in the process of setuping four CRAVE MNs. I will write more about at another time.
Thank you BTC-BTC-BTC,
Here is a guide on setting up the controller wallet:
Step 1: From the very begining, on your laptop in the console enter "masternode genkey" twice, and enter
"getaccountaddress MN1" and "getaccountaddress MN2", the MN1 and MN2 could be substituted with any name
you would like to call the masternode addresses.
Do this for each masternode you want to host.
Step 2: Send the required masternode amount to each of the addresses generated in step 1, making sure to send exact amount required, in
one transaction to each. Now, execute "masternode outputs" in the console of your laptop wallets.
Step 3: Open the masternode.conf file in the data directory of your laptop's wallet and edit it. In one
line for each masternode follow this format:
ALIAS can be anything you want it to be, but for simplicities sake it may be best to use the name you used
for the wallet addresses, MN1 and MN2 in this example. The IP is the IP where the masternode wallet is hosted, and will be provided by us. the MASTERNODEPRIVKEY is the output from the command "masternode genkey" you entered earlier.
The TRANSACTIONHASH and INDEX are the output you received when you executed "masternode outputs" earlier.
Step 4: Open the (darknet,crave,8bit,dash,anyothermasternode).conf file in the data directory of the controller wallet, again, on the laptop in
this example, Modify the contents to match this:
rpcuser=long random username
rpcpassword=longer random password
Step 5: Close the wallet and restart it.
Step 6: Send us the ALIAS and MASTERNODEPRIVKEY for all your nodes.
Step 7: Recieve ALIAS IP:PORT info from us, and replace in your masternode.conf.
Final step: Now, both of your masternodes are setup, you just need to start them, you will do this with the
controlling wallet on your laptop. Open the console of the controlling wallet and enter "masternode start-many"
you should get an output something like this:
"overall" : "Successfully started 2 masternodes, failed to start 0, total 2",
"detail" : {
"status" : {
"alias" : "mn1",
"result" : "successful"
"status" : {
"alias" : "mn2",
"result" : "successful"