G'day Fellow Ripplers,
Today, 3 days away from the
World Community Grid's 9th birthday, I'm proud to announce why I've been absent from the forums for the last few days. I, along with many other Ripplers, have been working hard implementing the World Community Grid XRP Giveaway. As of right now, any Ripple user may donate their spare computing power to the World Community Grid in order to drive scientific discoveries in exchange for XRP.
I'd really appreciate it if you could give it a go at
the claim and registration site.
Now about the WCG. The WCG (World Community Grid) is a public distributed supercomputing platform whose goal is, with volunteered computational resources, to assist scientific research projects that benefit humanity. Results of projects running inside the WCG are
released into the public domain. Current projects running on the WCG include:
FightAIDS@Home Tests new drugs which inhibit HIV
Help Fight Childhood Cancer Tests new drugs which defeat one of the most frequently occurring solid tumours in children
The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 Searches for new and more efficient solar cell materials
Computing for Clean Water Searches for new and more efficient water filter materials
Mapping Cancer Markers Aims to identify chemical markers associated with various types of cancer
among many, many others. The WCG Points generated as proof of contributing this
useful work may be exchanged at the current exchange rate via our claim and registration site, linked above.
As some of the most technically oriented users in the Ripple community, we're currently looking for your feedback and suggestions before we move forward with really letting marketing rip into this. Please don't hesitate to share anything and, of course, the
Ripple Bug Bounty policy remains in effect.
Now, (some of) the rules and legalese:
WCG Points generated prior to the user's initial registration, with a hard cut-off of 8 Nov, 2013 (the date of the creation of the Ripple Labs team), will be spent upon registration. Users must join the
Ripple Labs WCG Team and remain members of the team in order to convert WCG Points to XRP. Points generated and claimed, but not redeemed, prior to the day of this announcement (13 Nov, 2013) have been destroyed. Of course, the WCG Point to XRP exchange rate will float up and down depending on the quantity of computing power attached to the grid and the quantity of XRP redeemed per unit time. We'll have more technical details to share about how that's accomplished soon. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by the World Community Grid, nor do we endorse it. We disclaim any and all liability for any damages arising from participation in the giveaway. Additionally, Ripple Labs may discontinue the conversion of WCG Points into XRP at any time for any reason without notice.
With that out of the way, let's light this (birthday) candle. Cheers!
- J